Who we are


Who we are:

Tatoes Brand potatoes and onions are something special. The colorful label represents a vibrant and simple philosophy we try hard to emulate in every aspect of the process of bringing our potatoes and onions to the table; from the type of seed potatoes and seed onions used, to growing regions and practices - even in the storage and transportation of bulk potatoes and onions to the packaging facility.  Especially in the sorting and packaging process as this is where we ensure consumers get nothing but our very best work. Tatoes Brand potatoes and onions display a cute label, but in the background we are all about serious quality and performance.

These potatoes and onions, while still graded US No. 1 by the USDA inspectors inside our premises, will be packed in other labels, and still be high-quality potatoes and onions.

 Not every potato and onion will meet the quality standards required to be packed in a Tatoes box or bag. We believe a premium label should contain premium potatoes and onions.   We use the USDA No. 1 rating as a starting point.

Grown by: 

We oversee the growing of the potatoes and onions.  Tatoes Brand potatoes and onions are grown by established, highly-experienced farmers in the rich soil of the Columbia Basin in Central Washington.  Water from the Columbia River irrigates an otherwise desolate desert to produce some of the most productive farmland in the nation.  The long growing season of the Pacific Northwest allows the plants to reach full maturity, ensuring as much development in the plant as is naturally possible.

 Packaged by:

We manage the packaging process.  Tatoes Brand potatoes and onions are packaged by our two sheds in Mattawa, Washington.  These facilities are state-of-the-art facilities, employing the latest technology for sorting, handling and packaging.  Each facility is under strict guidelines to pack only the highest quality potatoes and onions in  Tatoes Brand packages.

Sold by:

Tatoes Brand potatoes and onions are marketed and sold by Eagle Eye Produce. The sales team regularly visits each packaging facility to ensure they not only know what the current run of potatoes look like, but also so they can communicate customer and consumer concerns to packaging personnel.  Vital to a successful sales team is their ability to accurately represent the product for sale.  As a buyer, the credibility of the sales team is paramount – this hand-on approach to selling the potatoes and onions has enabled the sales team to be trusted by their customers.